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One-on-One Coaching

Is coaching right for you? It may well be, if you are an attorney seeking:

  • A consistent influx of new, quality “A” clients to your practice who you enjoy working with (and who pay your bills on time)
  • Significantly increased productivity and/or billable hours (without working more hours)
  • Reduced stress with boundaries and a more comfortable work/life balance
  • An HR/staffing system that identifies and hires the best candidates for the job that are not only technically proficient but who are also a good “cultural fit” and possess the critical intangibles like
  • Sound firm financial management systems including KPIs, scorecarding, Pareto analysis and firm budgeting
  • “Big Picture” strategic planning

Whether you’re in the early stages of building your practice, mid-career and seeing income/revenue plateau or you operate an operationally- sound firm and are looking to make the jump from “good” to “great”, Phelps Legal Consulting can help. We’re experienced business coaches and we apply proven systems, processes and strategies. We’re not “life coaches”, although our clients do experience significant reductions in stress and overall increases in career satisfaction as a result of working with us. Call us today at 800-644-1264 or contact via email: for a no-cost consultation or a more detailed firm analysis.

Business Men Talking

Depending on the client’s needs, our coaching/consulting services include:

  • Comprehensive Marketing Strategy including referral based marketing and passive/PR strategies including website, SEO, social media, etc.
  • Attorney time management, including workflow, systems, effective delegation
  • Comprehensive law firm HR/staffing systems including complete hiring process, performance reviews, assistance in development of office policy & procedure manual, attorney and staff bonus structures
  • Comprehensive financial management systems including P&L analysis, monthly dashboards for tracking key performance indicators, billing analysis, A/R analysis, collection policies and procedures, law firm budgeting and pareto analysis